
Visible Roman York

Lucius Duccius Rufinas at the Yorkshire Museum

The Yorkshire Museum in Museum Gardens has one of the best collections of Roman objects in Britain.  There are sculptures, tombstones, mosaics and even a Roman girl's hair - all from Roman York.  See .

The best example of standing Roman remains in York is the Multangular Tower.  It can be seen in the Museum Gardens, along with fine stretches of the fortress wall.  It is open during daylight hours - be sure to see the tower from both sides, inside and out.  Nearby is the Anglian Tower, despite its name it is now thought by some to date from the late Roman period.

The Multangular Tower marks the West corner of the fortress.  The opposite East Corner of the fortress is less impressive but it can be seen from the city walls, between Monk Bar and Layerthorpe Postern. The precinct in which the remains stand is usually kept locked, although access can be arranged by permission of the City of York Council.

Remains of the headquarters basilica and finds from the Minster excavations can be seen in the Minster Undercroft.  See .

Part of the caldarium of the legionary baths, excavated in 1930-1, can be seen underneath the Roman Bath public house in St Sampsons Square.  Near there, in Parliament Street and Market Street, stretches of the Roman fortress wall are marked out along the pavement.

For a map and more information click here to download a trail in pdf format.