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Lendal Tower
Lendal Tower has stood next to the River Ouse since about the 1300.
It was originally part of the City's defences. In medieval times a great iron chain which was stored in the tower was pulled across the river to Barker Tower on the opposite bank.
The chain was a barrier to boats on the river, protecting the city in times of trouble and enabling tolls to be charged for entry.
In 1677 the tower was leased for 500 years to the York waterworks company. Water was pumped from the tower into pipes that ran throughout York. This role continued for 200 years, until in 1836 a dedicated engine house was built (this is the red-brick building adjoining Lendal Tower).
From then on the Tower has had various uses as offices, store and private residence.
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Medieval Chamber Pot
This object speaks for itself. Ra…
Kirkgate: Victorian Street
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